What is the influence of other art forms over creating super sport cars?
Each epoch or decade, when it comes to car design, has its own micro laws that influence the creative processes within it.
The intertwinement of the social doctrines and economic relations frequently determines the artistic flows as well as different perceptions of the same topic. Car design is very sensitive in that respect, and as such is very susceptible to the current trends and a strong interaction with the other trends in art (fashion, architecture, music). Whether the electronic music was the forerunner and a herald to the era of electric cars is something to be left to the history of art to decide, but it is quite certain that it provided a mental foreplay and adaptation for something new which at that moment wasn’t forseeable.
What is the overview of the state of the car industry (not only having car design in mind)?
Car industry centennial has long passed and we’re whitnessing a omnipresent fatigue in the process of making cars. Only the great and abiding need of the market for „a dry land four-wheelers controlled by the will of their owners“ is keeping the idea of cars on the reanimation table. The answer to this need, in which there’s passion and logic, should be looked for (in a new approach to dealing with the problem) in new design, i.e. new form that will reinvent the traditional views on technology of the material and drive. It’s one direction. Another direction, no less precise, is that the current technological achievements should be reinstalled with a minute precision into the roots of the idea of a car as the 20th century phenomenon that represented a symbol of freedom (independent way of being in motion) and beauty that true car afficionados compare to a woman’s beauty at times of enthusiasm. AQOS will treat both of the mentioned directions equally in its existence.
It should be kept in mind that the market has been educated over the past one hundred years or so and that it is less and less susceptible to meaningless marketing slogans and immune to ephemeral fads that keep being served to it.
The benchmark of trust, i.e. the satisfaction of the market has been lifted dramatically to a higher level over the past few years and I consider this occurence to be splendid.
What is needed for a new brand of cars to be created, i.e. when is a new brand born?
The birth of a new brand begins the moment you feel the power of dominance over a car from which you are looking at the present moment from a historical distance, i.e. when a new logical algorythm is set that articulates all the manifesting questions related to the philosophy of car making and their technical realization. The meaning and the full effect of a new brand is only possible if the momentum is synchronised with understanding the needs of civilization. At that moment and in that case we have the effect of the market void which absorbs the new ideology of the new brand. The sensitivity of action and reaction is an extremely exciting process and a great test for the nerous system of the participants of the game. It is understood that at the base of the process is the knowledge, passion and unconditional love that will take you towards dedication and the risk of looking for solutions for all the challenges that you may come across along the way. Truth be told, one must mention a dose of personal maddness and capriciousness that lead one towards taking responsibility for the outcome of actions, but it has been so falways in the history of creating something new.